
杨其恩 研究员








博士生导师,高原动物繁育与功能基因组团队负责人。2004和2006年在中国农业大学获得学士和硕士学位,2010年取得佛罗里达大学博士学位。2011年至2014年在华盛顿州立大学从事博士后和研究助理教授工作。2015年入选中国科学院人才计划,任澳门人威尼斯3966研究员。以高原特有动物和模式小鼠模型,系统研究:1)哺乳动物雄性生殖干细胞命运决定;2)动物种间杂交雄性不育的分子调控途径;3)家畜遗传资源挖掘与创新利用。在Nature Communications,Cell Reports,Journal of Advanced Research,Development,PLoS Genetics, Stem Cell Reports, Journal of Cell Science, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, Journal of Animal Science & Biotechnology, Journal of Dairy Science,Biology of Reproduction等期刊发表论文60余篇,参编中英文专著3部,支撑挖掘国家级遗传资源6个,制定地方标准3项。




中国动物学会动物生理生态学会副主任委员 2023-2027

兽类学报 责任主编 2024-2028




1. Wan RD, Gao X, Wang GW, Wu SX, Yang QL, Zhang YW, Yang QE*. Identification of candidate genes related to hybrid sterility by genomic structural variation and transcriptome analyses in cattle-yak. Journal of Dairy Science. 2024, in press.

2. Wang FC,Zhang XN, Wu SX, He Z, Zhang LY and Yang QE*. Loss of PBX1 function in Leydig cells causes testicular dysgenesis and sterility. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2024; 81 (1): 212.

3. Pan B, Qin J, Du K, Zhang L, Jia G, Ye J, Liang Q, Yang QE*, Zhou GB*. Integrated ultrasensitive metabolomics and single-cell transcriptomics identify crucial regulators of sheep oocyte maturation and early embryo development in vitro. Journal of Advanced Research. 2024: S2090-1232.

4. Zhang YW, Wu SX, Wang GW, Wan RD, Yang QE*. Single-cell analysis identifies critical regulators of spermatogonial development and differentiation in cattle-yak bulls. Journal of Dairy Science. 2024; 107 (9): 7317-7336.

5. Yan RG, He Z, Wang FC, Li S, Shang QB, Yang QE*. Transcription Factor E4F1 dictates spermatogonial stem cell fate decisions by regulating mitochondrial functions and cell cycle progression. Cell & Bioscience. 2023; 13:177.

6. Jia GX, Ma WJ, Wu ZB, Li S, Zhang XQ, He Z, Wu SX, Tao HP, Fang Y, Song YW, Xu SR, Wang XQ*, Yang QE*. Single-cell transcriptomic characterization of sheep conceptus elongation and implantation. Cell Reports. 2023; 42 (8): 112860. 

7. Tao HP, Lu TF, Li S, Jia GX, Zhang XN, Yang QE*, Hou YP*. Pancreatic lipase-related protein 2 is selectively expressed by peritubular myoid cells in the murine testis and sustains long-term spermatogenesis. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2023; 80 (8): 217.

8. Gao X, Wang S, Wang YF, Li S, Wu SX, Yan RG, Zhang YW, Wan RD, He Z, Song RD, Zhao XQ*, Wu DD*, Yang QE*. Long read genome assemblies complemented by single cell RNA-sequencing reveal genetic and cellular mechanisms underlying the adaptive evolution of Yak. Nature Communications. 2022; 13 (1): 4887.

9. Jia GX, Lin Z, Yan RG, Wang GW, Zhang XN, Li C, Tong MH, Yang QE*. Wtap function in Sertoli cells is essential for sustaining spermatogonial stem cell niche. Stem Cell Reports.  2020; 15 (4): 968-982.

10. Wang GW, Li YC, Yang QL, Xu SR, Ma SK, Yan RG, Zhang RN, Jia GX, Ai DQ, Yang QE*. Gene expression dynamics during the gonocyte to spermatogonia transition and spermatogenesis in the domestic yak. Journal of Animal Science & Biotechnology, 2019; 10: 64.


