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    发布时间:2018-08-20 科技处

      201875日,“藏药药理与安全性评价研究学科组”在《Toxicology》(德国毒理学会官方杂志、中科院JCR分区:2区)在线发表了题为” Hormesis of mercuric chloride-human serum albumin adduct on N9 microglial cells via the ERK/MAPKs and JAK/STAT3 signaling pathways ”的研究论文。 


      针对上述科学问题,该研究利用氯化汞和人血清白蛋白制备了Hg2+-人血清白蛋白复合物(Hg-HSA),随后探讨了Hg-HSA对神经小胶质N9细胞的生物学效应及其结合机制。研究发现,Hg-HSAN9细胞增殖及炎症反应表现出类似于hormesis现象的双相调节作用,即低剂量Hg-HSA15 ng/mL)能促进N9细胞增殖,提高NO和细胞内Ca2+水平,抑制炎症因子TNF-αIL-1β的分泌,以及TNF-α mRNAIL-1β mRNA的表达;而高剂量Hg-HSA15 μg/mL)抑制N9细胞增殖,降低NO和细胞内Ca2+水平,促进炎症因子TNF-αIL-1β的释放。上述作用主要通过ERK/MAPKsSTAT3信号通路实现。此外,通过量子化学计算发现,Hg2+在人血清白蛋白的Asp249Cys34位点处能形成稳定的配位结构。尽管Hg2+Asp249位点形成的五配位结构比在Cys34位点形成的四配位结构更稳定,但结合人血清白蛋白的空间结构考虑,Hg2+更易结合在Cys34位点。 



    图1 二价汞离子-人血清白蛋白复合物对神经小胶质细胞的双相调节效应机制示意图

      Qiaozhu Tan, Zhitao Liu,Hong Li, Yongjun Liu, Zhenghua Xia, Yuancan Xiao, Muhammad Usman, Yuzhi Du, Hongtao Bi,* Lixin Wei*. Hormesis of mercuric chloride-human serum albumin adduct on N9 microglial cells via the ERK/MAPKs and JAK/STAT3 signaling pathways. Toxicology, 2018, 408: 62–69.     

      Abstract:Mercury chloride (HgCl2), a neurotoxicant that cannot penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Although when the BBB are got damaged by neurodegenerative disorders, the absorbed HgCl2, mainly in form of Hg (II)-serum albumin adduct (Hg-HSA) in human plasma, can penetrate BBB and affect central nervous system (CNS) cells. Current study planned to evaluate the effect of Hg-HSA on the physiological function of N9 microglial cells. At low dosage (15 ng/mL) of Hg-HSA, the observed outcomes was: promoted cell propagation, Nitric Oxide (NO) and intracellular Ca2+ levels enhancement, suppressed the release of TNF-α and IL-1β and inhibited cell proliferation. At high dosage (15 μg/mL) we observed decline in NO and intracellular Ca2+ levels, and increment in the release of TNF-α and IL-1β. These biphasic effects are similar to hormesis, and the hormesis, in this case, was executed through ERK/MAPKs and JAK/STAT3 signaling pathways. Study of quantum chemistry revealed that Hg2+ could form stable coordination structures in both Asp249 and Cys34 sites of HSA. Although five-coordination structure in Asp249 site is more stable than four-coordination structure in Cys34 site but four-coordination structure is formed easily in-vivo in consideration of binding-site position in spatial structure of HSA.